
What should I be when I grow up?  You would think I’d know by now. As I inch closer to being all grown up, I’ve discovered I don’t have to be just one thing. I am a professor, teacher, researcher, writer, executive coach, consultant, change management specialist, and Candy Crusher.  Whether it is studying the impact of culture on attitudes toward eldercare or the role of technology in creating a whole new kind of workspace, I see communication in everything we do.

I teach Communication. I help individuals and teams communicate more effectively. I love to travel and I love chocolate croissants. Vienna is my favorite place on earth and I would enjoy nothing more than to provide you with an insight or a smile as I share a few thoughts.


No More Eye Rolls: Finding Feedback in the Virtual Workplace

MONDAY VIRTUAL LEADERSHIP TIP: What happens when the feedback we usually provide – the kind that involves eye-rolls, horrified faces, or overwhelmed shrugs – needs to happen in our virtual workplace? Too often, the result is silence. We need feedback to do our jobs well. The virtual workplace requires both managers and co-workers to learn …